Insight Meditation Houston

Dharma Teachings in our ‘Mother’s Tongue’, the Romantic Language called Spanish – 6/26/2017

When asked by Ginger Clarkson to make a presentation for the Dharma talk about my interest in taking the training to learn about the Dharma  in California via internet classes to be able to teach it in the Spanish speaking community in Houston, I wrote an outlined of my biography and the importance of spreading the teachings in the Hispanic community.


I have lived in the US, Mexico and abroad for  the past 25 years and I have worked as a Community Coordinator for Arts and Culture and social issues .  I currently work as an interpreter for Medical and Community issues.  I am a constant witness of the importance of practicing meditation on an everyday basis.
I have been meditating  for several years in different disciplines and I have found that mindful meditation is one path of making a better understanding of daily life.  My work in the community has shown me the importance of spreading this knowledge and that is why Ginger had invited me to enroll in the program to learn the Dharma for the next couple of years.  I feel that as a community member of the Hispanic community I could bring my experience and the future learning of the Dharma, to a useful and practical manner to spread it in Spanish, my native tongue in  a place like Houston, that has a large sector of Spanish speaking population.
I am aware of many institutions and organizations which will be interested in offering this possibility for the Latino community and only by having the learning tools myself, I can then offered it to others.   I gave some examples of situations I have witnessed and I hope to continue participating in the Houston Sangha with the plan of creating one for the Spanish speaking population.  Having the learning  mentoring and knowledge will give me the tools to better be of service in my community.
